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Blue Leather Mola Bag
* 50% DISCOUNT - Normal Sale Price $90 (Damaged in shipping from Colombia)
Cateval Imports, in partnership with Revealing Hope presents this beautiful artisan-made leather handbag constructed with hand-stitched Mola made by the Kuna People of Colombia.
Size - 14W x 10H
Cateval Imports, in partnership with Revealing Hope presents this beautiful artisan-made leather handbag constructed with hand-stitched Mola made by the Kuna People of Colombia.
Size - 14W x 10H
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More Details
Molas are hand-made using a reverse appliqué technique. Several layers (usually two to seven) of different-colored cloth (usually cotton) are sewn together; the design is then formed by cutting away parts of each layer. The edges of the layers are then turned under and sewn down. Often, the stitches are nearly invisible. This is achieved by using a thread the same color as the layer being sewn, sewing blind stitches, and sewing tiny stitches. The finest molas have extremely fine stitching, made using tiny needles.
All proceeds (100%) go to help support Revealing Hope Ministries.
Note: Cateval Imports are being sold and processed by Aroma of Hope Coffee Co.